Bunker Death - Fireworks, 2010, oil on board
Bunker Death
Neolithic sites and modern windmills that litter the landscape instil both awe and terror, as does military pillboxes that are left to protect themselves not from gun fire but from the elements and the earth. I paint a depiction of this decay. The pillbox bunker is becoming a modern day monolith; they are found scattered around the countryside in strategic spots. As time goes on, the bunker will eventually be imbued with similar mystery to sites such as Stone Henge.
Bunker Death - Giants Causeway, 2010, oil on board
Bunker death - pillbox, 2010, oil on board
Bunker Death - Lean-to, 2010, oil on board
Bunker Death - Sand Dune, 2010, oil on board
Bunker Death - Cliff, 2010, oil on board