Burned Act (1), 2016, screen printed and painted ashes from burned legislation, spray paint

EU Referendum

In 2015 I worked on the EU referendum Act in Parliament. I made a series of paintings on the EU Referendum Act. I burned the different legislations that fed into the Act, and the Act itself, and made them into paint. The various shapes over the screen printed crest symbolise different prisms to view the Act through.

‘Leave or Remain (Ian and Arlo)’, 2016, oil paint, paint made from the ashes of the EU referendum act, spray paint

Six years ago on 23 June 2016 we were watching the results of the EU referendum unfold. It was particularly poignant for me because having returned to work from maternity leave, I worked for the EU referendum bill team in the then Foreign and Commonwealth Office. I contributed to getting the EU referendum act through Parliament so that the UK could have a referendum. This is a painting of my partner and son that night, using paint made from ashes of a burned copy of the EU referendum act.

Included in the Babes in Arms show at the De La Warr Pavilion, Bexhill, UK

10 Sep - 10 Nov 2022

